I like the design's simplicity.
I like the design's simplicity.
Really like the lighting and texture. A well executed piece.
Excellent concept. Really like the goofy expression and impressive attention to detail on the wrinkles, especially since you kept it's sense of form in mind. The lighting and texture on the skin works well too.
The arm: maybe shouldn't ought to feel flat on the top since it gives a slightly bent-cardboard feel but that's only a minor complaint.
Actually I was going for a bent cardboard look so there Maaaarrrk
Odd, but not really one to talk.
It was pretty difficult to get that character to look right in 3D without falling into the 'Uncanny Valley'. Probably because she wasn't even designed for it in the first place. Mine looked just as freaky.
Still, looks good overall.
I suppose I should of made her look like a creepy old lady like you did mark haha
Again, wonderful colour treatment and lighting. Really enjoying the contrast and subtle touches around the face. The expression adds something to the liveliness of it.
Candy colors!
Beautiful color treatment and proportions. Lighting composition works very well overall. Would have liked to see some definition on the toes but that's passable.
Excellent use of irony to the subject matter. Really like the contrast in lighting and color.
Mark you dick, way to ruin my streak of 10's
Online animation portfolio: http://markkilkelly. Kindly visit please.
Age 34, Male
Animation student
BCFE - Dublin
Joined on 11/19/10